Thursday, April 3, 2014

Read, Read, Read!

It is not easy being married to a kindergarten teacher.  As I share the events of the day with my husband he often smiles and says, "Honey, I don't need the Genesis version." (You know - In the beginning...)  He also reminds me, "I'm not five.  You only have to tell me once."  In his honor I am not going to give you a Biblical narrative, but the Dragnet version - just the facts.  For our young emergent readers to grow in skill and fluency they need to read, read, read!  An apology to my husband for repeating, but this time it is necessary. Just as a marathon runner must run each day and a championship basketball player must practice 3-pointers, our emergent readers need to practice reading.  Encourage your child to take time each day to read.  Our beginning readers need to read simple repetitive texts that will build skill and confidence.  They also need to hear good reading modeled, so take time to read to your child.  Just like we practice the skills to nail that gymnastics move or to hit that soccer goal, good readers must also practice their reading skills.

One of my greatest joys is to hear a kindergartner proudly say, "I read that!"